Thursday, 24 May 2012

falling behind again!

Is it too early or too late for a Halloween layout? I always seem to be meeting myself coming back these days, so my photos from last year are only just being scrapped. I absolutely loved this Mischevious paper from My mind's eye and this oh so cute photo of my gorgeous granddaughter Bayley.
I should explain the title while I'm here, my son, Danny (Bayley's daddy) is a magician, so doing tricks is definitely his thing!
I hope you are all enjoying this sunshine we've been having! I'm off to scrap my Christmas photos!!

Doods x

Friday, 4 May 2012


Is it really May already? This year has flown by so far and I'm still waiting for a day dry enough to get into my garden! This has surely got to be the wettest drought in my memory!

Thought I'd share a layout or two this month that have been done a while but haven't yet seen the light of day (bit like me really!)

This is my gorgeous granddaughter Bayley-Rae.
Will be back with more soon but if you've got a free minute or two to spare why not pop over to Sarah's cards and see what else I've been up to?

Doods x